
Can you really hire a professional hacker to retrieve stolen crypto? Where do you find one? Consult a crypto recovery expert Fastfund Recovery

George Clinton vor 9 Monaten 0

Unless you've been living under a virtual rock, you've probably heard about the boom in cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin. This digital currency has taken the world by storm, offering a decentralized and secure way to transact without intermediaries like banks. With its skyrocketing value and promises of financial autonomy, it's no wonder Bitcoin has attracted millions of investors. But where there's money, thieves lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce on unsuspecting victims. Bitcoin theft has become a pressing issue in the cryptocurrency world, leaving many investors devastated and wondering if there's any hope of recovering their stolen funds. Fortunately, a glimmer of hope shines through the darkness in the form of Fastfund Recovery. Fastfund Recovery is enlightened in the Bitcoin world and can help you recover your stolen Bitcoin. Email: Fastfundrecovery8@gmail.com

Telegram: fastfundsrecovery

Signal: 18075007554


Best Cyber Super Hackers in Funds Recovery

Jolie Angelina vor 9 Monaten aktualisiert vor 9 Monaten 1

My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered earlier on, however with the support given to me in the consultation and during my one on one conversations with the Team via their Telegram : https://t.me/wizardbrixtongrouphackers and I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $182,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKERS, i had met a few recovery agents as well that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today, I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and WIZARD BRIXTON GROUP OF HACKERS on my team! … I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official email address ( Wizardbrixton@gmail.com ) Telegram : https://t.me/wizardbrixtonhackersrecovery



Jacob Milner vor 9 Monaten 0


My name is Jacob Milner. I strongly recommend THE HACK ANGELS for all bitcoin and digital asset recovery needs. I was one of their clients, and with their assistance, I was able to reclaim my funds. When it comes to cryptocurrency recovery, they truly are the best. I had paid my money in a cryptocurrency trading platform that crashed earlier this month. When I came across THE HACK ANGELS, they were able to reclaim my funds from the crashed platform.

Web: https://thehackangels.com

Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com
Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20

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Courtney fisher vor 9 Monaten 0

I was scammed of over $1.850.000. I came in contact with this guy from facebook and we communicated for 8 months. I sent him money via Bitcoin atm and bank account, I almost lost everything. But for the timely intervention of the Spyhost Cyber Security Company, who just in kick-off on time got back my $1.850.000. They are really good at what they do, I have recommended them to friends and co-workers who all became satisfied customers. They have really helped me a lot in the aspect of retrieving my lost digital assets , you can reach out to them for everything related to Hacking and Funds Recovery. They are the best and have different skills in funds recovering and exposing scammers. I’m glad and happy to recover my money, there is no shame in becoming a scam victim of one of these sophisticated and predatory operations. By reporting you may be able to recover some or all of your lost funds and prevent the scammers from targeting others. To recover your Scammed Btc funds, Scammed funds, Clear or Erase Criminal Records and Mobile spy remote control access Contact this genius recovery Company through their email [Spyhost@cyberdude. Com] or kindly reach out to them through whatsapp as an alternative means of contact at +1 (571) 478-7636



Finlay Baker vor 9 Monaten 0

Reporting the matter to the police was the same as doing nothing, as someone who fell victim to a financial scam, I understand the devastation and frustration that comes with losing investment funds, I ask for caution when dealing with online investment platforms because I was indecisive putting my hard earned funds into something I don't know until I had lost all I had on me. Seeing videos of their registered customers from different parts of the world testifying about how life changing their investment with the company was, I got drawn to investing my funds with the company without knowing all the videos were all fabrication to attract innocent investors like me into trusting them with my life sweat and ended up losing everything leaving me feeling helpless and financially devastated. Amidst my turmoil I stumbled upon a glimmer of hope, reviews and testimonies about DARKRECOVERYHACKS " Telegram: @ DARKRECOVERYHACKS " online how they have helped so many victims of scam get back their lost investments back, trusting the reviews and testimonies I reached out to them to help with their recovery service in my case providing every information they needed to work with in my case. Their working terms and condition were really conducive which accepted before they commenced the recovery process, to cut the whole story short, exactly on the fourth day working with them on my case I received a mail from DARKRECOVERYHACKS requesting I send them my personal wallet that my lost investment funds had been retrieved back from the scammers grasp. On receiving the message at first I didn't believe it but on seeing my lost funds back in my wallet was an amazing feeling after all I had been through experiencing loss of funds, writing this testimony down I am attesting to their legitimacy as a recovery company and I am happy sharing my experience with DARKRECOVERYHACKS. Throughout the recovery process they kept me informed every step of the way, providing regular updates and transparent strategy for recovery, it was an indelible experience which I am grateful to DARKRECOVERYHACKS for coming to my rescue with their exceptional recovery service. You can also reach out to them on email: DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL. COM.


buenas tardes

viveve florecita vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Uniónpyme (Staff Soporte) vor 11 Jahren 2

descargue la version gratuita pero quisiera saber si esta sirve para llevar contabilidad de empresas de servicios como abogados o contadores, pues sus modulos no estan muy claros por donde ingresar para este tipo de empresas. podrian ayudarme, ya que soy contadora y quisiera manejar este programa para llevar mis contabilidades, pero no hay un manial ue indique como ingresar a cada modulo y que significa o como se hace para vaciar la informacion en cada uno de las paete que integran cada modulo, es decir por ejemplo en el modulo contabilidad que se ingresa en el diario general o en el modulo ventas donde se ingresa en venta u otras ventas  igual pasa con compras, hay una manera de ver un ejemplo o un manual que indique mas especificamente como manejarlo, pues el manual que trae es para configurarlo de acuerdo a la empresa y algunos tutoriales pero para saldos y no para ingreso de la informacion de acuerdo al tipo de empresa. muchas gracias 



Angel Santamaria Romero vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Uniónpyme (Staff Soporte) vor 11 Jahren 1
despues de ingresar el usuario y contraseña me sale este mensaje que dice error como titulo principal y en el contexto me dice que el archivo ya existe alguien que me colabore con este inconveniente.
otro problema que se desemfoca es cuando voy a a crear un nuevo archivo (imagen 2), Me sale un mensaje que dice; desea crear una nueva empresa yo confirmo en el boton si (imagen 3), luego me sale un cuadro de texto digito el nombre de la empresa y damos clic en ok (imagen 4), nos aparece un mensaje que nos dice; espere un minuto mientras se crea el archivo e incluye la informacion necesaria y damos clic en ok (imagen 5), luego aparece el error que quiero que me colaboren a solucionarlo dice el mensaje que aparece; Error su contenido dice el archivo ya esta abierto, y muestra la direccion asta idiomas.txt, mas abajo dice el documento no pudo ser copiado y damos clic en ok .... ayuda... por favor como puedo solucionar este incoveniente.

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Favor ver el video en Youtube instalando unionpyme en windows 7 

No puedo ingresar al programa

proserlim srl vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Uniónpyme (Staff Soporte) vor 11 Jahren 4
Buenas tardes, he descargado la version gratuita Easy11DG, se instala pero al momento de querer abrir el programa me pide abrir un archivo y no lo puedo usar, me ha pedido usuario y contraseña lo he puesto tal como indicaban pero no me sale nada  

Estimado usuario:

Los datos de acceso en la nueva versión son:

Usuario: contador
Contraseña: uniónpyme

Deben escribirse todo en minúsculas.

Saludos cordiales.

existe en la version pro un sistema para liquidacion de nomina ?

Mauricio Suarez Vega vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Uniónpyme (Staff Soporte) vor 10 Jahren 3

existe en la version pro un sistema para liquidacion de nomina ?

Estimado usuario
adjuntamos información detallada del submódulo Producción automática en base a recetas del Sistema Administrativo contable , además de estos procesos el sistema administrativo contable UNIONPYME EASY incluye el proceso de liquidación de costos indirectos y gastos de fabricación indirectos de manera automáticas

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